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The Power of Testimonials
Testimonials matter. In sales where value propositions are next to identical and compelling differentiation is narrow or non-existent, proof of concept counts and often closes....
Casual Day Stickers
I attend a lot of conferences. Often they are centered around leadership and human resources. And lately the popular theme choice has been “Next”, “Shift”,...
The Zoo
Tomorrow morning I am giving a keynote at the Milwaukee Zoo. A first for me! I haven't been in years...my nieces and nephews love the...
The First Date
First dates can be tough, especially if you haven’t dated in a while. The fear of change and rejection are powerful forces capable of keeping...
Change. We’ve entered a unique era of transformation. What got us here, won’t get us there. The pace of innovation, technology transformation, marketplace disruption and...
Hospitality & Social Selling
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to speak at the 2010 Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International Resort Business Summit this week in W....
Selling to Human Resources
HR industry consultant and thought leader Mark Stelzner at Inflexion Advisors recently authored a fabulous blog post on '5 Ways to Torpedo Your Next HR...
The Generations at Work
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down over breakfast with Bridgeworks founder David Stillman, the generational expert, professional speaker and author of the new...
Twin Cities HR: Conferences & Connections
This Spring is providing a variety of opportunities for the HR community in my hometown to conference and connect around some terrific content! April 13th...
Employment Branding Excellence at UHG
I had coffee this week with one of the strongest practitioners in the Employment Branding space, Heather Polivka at UnitedHealth Group. Heather is a great...
Sales Recovery
Late last week I received a red alert phone call from the SVP of Business Development of a large tech. company on the East Coast. ...
Sales Influence
Would sales be easier if every call you made was to a prospective buyer who was aware of both you and your organization prior to...
Great relationships are resilient. They ebb and flow. Time passes. But the most meaningful one's can quickly come back to center. I am lucky to...
Careers, Culture & Cool
I typically don't walk away from conversations about Employment Branding and Employee Engagement blown away. I have a pretty decent perspective on the industry and...
Circle of Trust
Remember the movie, Meet the Parents? Where Gaylord Faucker was hopelessly left outside his soon to be father in law's magic circle of trust despite...