The Zoo

Image of Zoo Header
Tomorrow morning I am giving a keynote at the Milwaukee Zoo.  A first for me!  I haven’t been in years…my nieces and nephews love the animals and I am actually pretty excited to check it out.

I’ll spend the morning talking about how to build a “Passion Culture.” Where people give at the office because they genuinely want to…not because they have to.  There is an enormous opportunity for Managers, Leaders and HR Professionals to tap into the passion and potential that lies dormant in so many of our organizations…before it exits the building.  Or perhaps even worse, throws in the towel while still hanging around to collect a check every two weeks.  In an economic environment where The Best Talent Wins making people the priority simply makes sense. Convincing the C Suite to invest appropriately might pose a challenge…..but it shouldn’t…and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

I look forward to the discussion and as a former Sea World alumnus perhaps checking out the Seal/Sea Lion Show in the afternoon!  Should be a fun day.

Hope the zoo doesn’t mind me bringing The Whistle!

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