Passion Culture

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I write and speak about Passion Culture.

From my perspective, Passion Culture is a movement. A strategic decision. A clear best practice. And the very best chance an organization has to throttle down growth, accelerate value creation and sustain a long term competitive advantage. I am fond of saying, put your people first…and profits follow (yes, you need to make sure they are the right people in the right jobs).

We know it when see it. An energized workplace. Authentic leadership. Open communication. A culture of consistency, connection, camaraderie and caring. Trust. Personal growth and development. Recognition and fun. Customer loyalty and bottom line business results. The kind of place where everyone wants to work and right fit employees thrive.

Doing work on cultural immersion and communication strategy is one of my favorite aspects of the consulting work we do. This week our team spent several days interviewing peak performers of a Fortune 100 Best Company To Work For organization across all functional lines of business. By any and every benchmark this organization is a well respected and established category leader. And culture, leadership and communication is a compelling and clear competitive advantage embedded into their business strategy. From the C-suite down and across all functional lines of business, they have extraordinary alignment.

Mission is not just a wall placard for this organization. It is top of mind influencing every employee action and decision each and everyday. And it is evident throughout the entire talent lifecycle in candidate experience, selection, onboarding, development, career mobility and mentoring, recognition etc. They function as a team with one common purpose. And they continue to invest to improve and evolve because they know that increasingly talent will remain their key differentiation and opportunity to continue to win big and deliver on their promises. Now is the time to prepare and be resource ready. Fun to watch and support!

I recently did an interview for HR Times on culture as a competitive advantage. Consider how is your organization and its leadership influencing culture to compete and win? Has your corporate culture improved in the last 24 months? As a leader are you acutely aware of the well defined and constantly reinforced strategy to elevate culture, improve experience and align toward one shared purpose? Are you aligned down the line?

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