Employee Engagement: The 5 Key Drivers

I recently delivered a webinar on job search strategy. Given the state of the economy I assumed there would be natural interest in new perspective on the topic. I was right. However, I wasn’t entirely right on assumptions about the make up of the audience. I correctly assumed most of the attendees on the call would be looking for a new job (obviously). What I missed was the notion that many of those same attendees have jobs now —they just want to make a change to something better.

A head down and unhappy workforce will eventually and assuredly inhibit performance. And the notion that job satisfaction is at a twenty year low and employee engagement is plummeting should sound the alarm in the C suite. Happy to have a job? Hardly. Happy to collect a check? Perhaps…but that doesn’t build a sustainable competitive advantage or accelerate shareholder returns.

I subscribe to that premise that if you put your people first, profits follow. Having some insight and very specific opinions about winning with corporate culture I wanted to engage in some meaningful dialogue with an expert on the subject of employee engagement to drill down to the heart of the matter. Simply stated, what are the essential elements that drive engagement?

My colleague Don MacPherson is president of Modern Survey, one of the leading employee engagement survey and research organizations in the world. He was happy to discuss and dissect the issues top of mind related to culture, engagement and productivity in the workplace. Don has expertise based on over a decade of experience collecting data on engagement trends.  These are the facts — the 5 key drivers of employee engagement:

  1. Recognition & Appreciation
  2. Personal Accomplishment
  3. Career Development
  4. Belief in the Future of the Organization
  5. Compensation (or lack thereof)

Is your organization delivering on the five key drivers?  If you aren’t sure, Don and the outstanding team at Modern Survey can help you answer that question in very specific and measurable ways.

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