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Be The Change You Want To See In Others

This week we will be talking about Next Level Leadership in Maine and Texas.  We will examine keys to accelerating breakthrough performance through people strategy. ...
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Social Selling: Do You Invite Ambassadors To Share?

Increasingly, when a client partner has a meaningful, high impact experience they feel compelled to share.  They want the world to know. Smart sales leaders...
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Back To School

Labor day passing signifies the change of seasons and for many families the first day of school. Remember the first day of school?  The adventure,...
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3 Keys To Sales Leadership

Sales drives the business. All of the ideas, innovation, strategy, interpersonal relationships and process initiatives don't matter much if you don't have the revenue to...
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Life Meets Work

A few months ago I had the opportunity to coffee shop with an executive who, ironically, had decided to resign from her job the very...
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Thank You Steve

When a legend walks away we take a moment. To honor their contribution.  Acknowledge their impact.  Pay tribute to their legacy. Steve was simply THE...
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The WOW Factor

If you invest enough time cultivating real relationships with clients they will often tell you what they want.  They will tell you how to earn...
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You Don’t Need Permission to Have Influence

How can you create change in the organization, C suite, leadership, the boss, colleagues, co-workers? Even when the common belief is "they" would never go...
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Let’s Talk About The Passion

We did the HR Happy Hour radio show last week on Passion on Purpose . I've had several very interesting, engaging conversations about passion and...
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The Athlete, Entrepreneur & Artist

I was fortunate to spend a few days at the beach last week as a guest of an old friend, serial entrepreneur and generous host. ...
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I Lost My Passion

He walked into the coffee shop at 7:25 a.m. 5 minutes early.  No surprise.  He was a big time seller.  Now he managed a team...
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Can You Teach Our People To Sell More?

I was on a conference call with a prospective customer this week.  We discussed an engagement for the sales organization.  They are experiencing the challenges...
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Sustainable Growth Starts Here.

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