Writing: Why & How

If you are trying to manage change, navigate chaos, reinvent, ready yourself or your business for what is next and new writing can prove to be a powerful way to accelerate results. Since that applies to just about anyone and everyone in today’s time of transformation I’ll offer a few ideas related to why and how to write.

Why? Writing helps you organize thinking. Identify outcome objectives. Drive accountability. Improve focus and concentration. Prepare for success. Writing publicly vs privately is a personal/professional choice to be made based on the objectives. Not writing at all is often a missed opportunity. This Forbes article “9 Reasons You Should Blog” offers some nice summary insight on the advantages of writing publicly for professional growth. I can assure you that if part of your role and responsibility is business growth (Executive, entrepreneur, sales, marketing), writing is a significant, potential competitive advantage. Writing publicly can move your ideas to others, differentiate your position, elevate interest, accelerate credibility, expedite important relationships and immediately garner respect and attention from people you want to impact and influence. Writing connects you to people and opportunity.

I am writing this morning from Caracas, Venezuela. I had the good fortune of having breakfast with leading Argentine business strategist Walter Torre (a professional speaker and author) and Alejandro Eira, our event partner from Uruguay and Alta Gerencia. Writing was our bridge. Our shared point of interest and intersection and, we all acknowledged, the impetus for bringing us together. Walter and I will both be speaking tomorrow, but in truth, had it not been for writing, it is quite likely we wouldn’t be here and now well positioned to evolve these relationships in a more meaningful way going forward.

How? I’ll preface this by stating first I am not a professional writer. I don’t make a living writing. I have been writing for myself for some time. I write a blog that has become a part of my business (sales; marketing; strategy). I know and have the very good fortune of spending time with people that do write professionally (ie. people that get paid to write books). I listen closely to their advice. My breakfast companion Walter is on his fifth book. I can assure you from our conversation that writing is hard for him. It is incredibly hard for me. It is likely going to be hard but well worth it for you.

For starters, write like you talk. Most people rarely suffer from talkers block but stop and stare cold at the blank screen. Simply start writing and let go. It will come to you. Over time you might get better. Eventually, you may want to share your writing with others. Write like nobody is watching. Don’t fear judgement or potential criticism. So what? Write for you. Eventually, you could be writing for people that care about what you have to say. The rest doesn’t matter that much. Write down what you want to do, be and become. Write down the difference you want to make. Write down the things that matter most. Write down your big ideas and dreams. If it is important, write for other people. Write down what you want to read.

Your experience set is unique. Your expertise is valuable. Your ideas and insights are special, worthwhile and can most certainly have an impact. If you let them go. Writing has changed my business. In many ways, writing has changed my relationships and my life. Also, did I mention that writing is free? If you want to write I would also suggest reading the book “If You Want To Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit” by Brenda Euland. Her writing will help you find your authentic voice. Still not convinced? Don’t take my word (or writing) for it. Have a listen to what Seth Godin and Tom Peters have to say.

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