How To Move The Needle on Engagement and Performance

In the video below, I continue my conversation about engagement and performance with Don MacPherson, co-founder and president of Modern Survey.

We consider: What role do senior leaders play in creating confidence in the future of the organization? What specific practices should managers consider to move the needle on productivity and performance? Watch to learn how employee engagement — and the main drivers of engagement — have changed in the past few years, what employees expect today and what trends are coming soon.

Confidence in the Future & Leadership – YouTube

Human resources also plays a critical role in improving engagement. And the best HR leaders take that role seriously. HR needs to be proactive in capturing and assessing relevant data, providing feedback and training, and holding leaders accountable for results.

Watch the video below to learn how HR and direct managers can start playing offense to improve results:

Solving the Engagement Challenge: Management Insights: YouTube

Keep watching. Browse all of the videos in this series.

Learn more about the role leaders play in employee engagement. Download my white paper, Winning with Culture: How Leadership Drives Engagement and Performance, to read more research from Modern Survey and learn from leaders at best-in-class companies.

Ryan Estis helps progressive companies embrace change, attack opportunity and achieve breakthrough performance. Delivering more than 75 live events annually, Ryan provides high-impact keynote presentations and professional development in partnership with the world’s best brands. Learn more about Ryan.

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