Hold People Accountable. Start With You.

Lesson #34

I was winding down our event.  Sales Training with a team of quality sellers working for an organization that is profitable, growing and stealing market share from their competition.  This team was Switched On and pushing toward the next level of breakthrough performance.

I believe the most important part of a training event is what happens next.  A TAN Plan helps.  TAN is an acronym that stands for Take Action Now.

The assignment:  Write down 3 things you will take action on in the next 100 days that will have high impact post meeting.  Trade plans with person sitting next to you and plan to check in 100 days from now (working with a sponsor who is going to call you in 100 days to check on your TAN Plan progress is GOLD).

What happened next was a bit unusual.

I was copied that evening on an e-mail from the CEO.   The recipients included a few of his direct reports.  Executives in the room during our training.

He was sharing his TAN Plan. Committing to his team.  Participating in change.  Asking for their help in holding him accountable.

That is Next Generation Leadership. Unfortunately I have delivered one too many workshops where the most senior leaders considered themselves exempt from participating.  I am not sure why?

This CEO understands that change starts with him and takes it personally  He sets the tone.  Drives the pace.  Doesn’t demand more than he is willing to give.

If the performance isn’t where it needs to be the GameChanger looks in the mirror first.

You’ll get attention and effort around what you inspect.  You’ll earn respect based on your own ability to contribute value to the process, people and performance.

Lead the change you want to see in others.  Start with you.

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