You may recall my recent writing about career and life transition through the lens of perspective offered from the experience set of Twin Cities Executive/Management Consultant Teresa Hopke, whose own personal/professional transformation I chronicled in the following posts:
Resignation Day & Life Meets Work
These two posts prompted a number of inquiries related to navigating career change and managing risk, particularly amid such uncertain times.
No doubt, managing change requires courage which is defined as: The quality of mind that enables one to face danger with confidence, resolution and firm control of oneself.
Teresa is someone who is willing to explore and risk failure. To her it’s worth it. She wants to get Switched On in the morning. She wants to make a dent in the universe.
I had the good fortune of catching up with her live at the recent Work/Life Expo. We continued the conversation and I continue to believe her inspiring perspective can prove beneficial to anyone faced with similar circumstances (and let’s face it, most of us aren’t faced with navigating comparable challenge and change while expecting twins!).