Where Do You Get the Energy?

Do you ever get tired? Exhausted? Do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel physically and mentally that you don’t think you can be the “passion on purpose” guy that uplifts everyone that day? What do you do when you have the flu? When you have a cold?  

Where do you get the energy to live up to that and to keep up the schedule and level of excellence?

Energy” is a word that is often associated with why I get hired.

And in spite of momentary setbacks, I am able to maintain my energy level and well-being largely because it is well within my power to do so. My energy is something that I intentionally protect and preserve.

That’s not to say it’s always easy. Burnout at work is a major problem afflicting 75% of people with feelings of exhaustion and energy depletion. Now, with stress mounting and boundaries between personal and professional lives dissolving, more and more of the population is in danger of getting burned out by life itself.

I’ve been down that road, and I made a vow to myself to reclaim my own well-being and what I was made for.  That vow served as a catalyst to course correct my approach and enabled me to return to optimal levels of energy and vitality.

My energy and enthusiasm for the work I do is largely driven by three principles:

A Sense of Responsibility

I am healthy. I am educated. I am safe from harm. I live in an abundant world. I am hopeful. I have nothing to complain about. I have been bestowed very good fortune, and I feel a sense of obligation to try and fulfill my potential. The long hours, inevitable setbacks and daily pressure to perform are actually opportunities and I simply try and do my very best. That isn’t my job. It is my responsibility.

A Desire to Make a Difference

When I wake up each morning I know that I get to spend my day preparing to make a difference. The work isn’t about me. I try to help other people become the best of who they are capable of becoming.  Leading with that thought helps me stay in the “peak performance zone”.  I believe I can help.  I believe we all have the power to make a difference.  I know that most of the people I meet don’t know me. I want to make sure that they have an experience that has lasting impact.  I want the time to matter. Perhaps it won’t for everyone. That is ok. But if I can impact a few people on my journey then I will have made my own little dent in the universe.

Leaving a Legacy

I know my time here is short. In considering that time in total I am able to approach the day’s challenges in the right frame of mine. What is my legacy going to be? The power of that question exists in my own ability to write the answer through the life I live.

As a daily affirmation these 3 questions serve as a pretty good compass for staying switched on:

  • How am I being responsible to my potential today?
  • How can I make a difference in the lives of others today?
  • How do I want to be remembered by the people I meet today?

Paying close attention to those thoughts and our own internal dialogue is important.  As Ghandi so eloquently stated:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

I know that to ensure my energy source isn’t depleted that I also have to eat right, exercise and get enough sleep.  Every day.

I know that if you want to live inspired, it helps to spend time around other people that embrace inspired living. The people around us have an enormous impact on our well-being.  What kind of impact will you have?

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