Today You Have A Gift

It is a beautiful morning in the Bahamas.  I am here for a speaking engagement and this morning was moving along like most others.  Two conference calls.  A proposal.  E-mail correspondence. Reviewing my notes and content in preparation for tomorrow.

Suddenly none of that seems important.  Suddenly I am stopped with a moment of real perspective.

I received a note about the tragic loss of my client, friend and VP of Sales for Ag Direct Troy Hansen.  Troy was 38 years old and is survived by his wife and two children.

I had the absolute honor of working with Troy in preparation for my recent keynote at the annual Farm Credit Services of America Sales Conference.  In finally getting to meet Troy face to face I felt an instant connection.   Troy was a leader others wanted to follow.  He was a rare blend of confidence, charisma and a real humility that was very special.  He looked you in the eyes with a real handshake.  He instantly made you feel warm and welcome with a personal story where you could relate.  He was so full of energy and enthusiasm for life that it was contagious. In the short time we spent together his priorities of family, community and commitment to his career were so very clear.

I didn’t get to know him well.  I am sorry for that.  I have a strong sense my life would have been enriched volumes if I had that opportunity and I cannot begin to imagine the emptiness those closest to him must feel.

My deepest condolences to the Hansen family and entire Farm Credit community.

While I cannot make sense of this what I also know is that today I have a gift.  My time here is short.  What I do with it is up to me.

“Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.” –Henry Van Dyke

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