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Teaching Sells

“We’ll compete on price every single time unless our people show up with insight and perspective that has real impact for the customer. I need...
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The Puppy Dog Close

Since I am fond of talking about why everyone ignores your email sales pitch, I’m occasionally on the receiving end of examples of awful cold...
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My Heart Is in Cleveland Today

I needed help on Sunday morning. I could handle the route every other day of the week but on Sunday the load was too large....
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Rethinking Human Resources and the Future of Work 

I was sitting in the cheap seats. There were probably 1,000 people in the audience and the speaker was doing a decent job holding my...
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Leadership Lessons from the Kitchen of Gavin Kaysen

A short walk. One block from my front door, to be precise. We settled into a couple glasses of red and started with a selection...
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Leading People Through Dark Alleys

60 Minutes is a Sunday evening ritual for me. I love the interviews. Charlie Rose is one of my favorites. He hits hard. I recall...
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The Crowd Goes Wild

It was game day! A beautiful Sunday afternoon in the summer as we headed to the ballpark. All of us hometown fans were dressed in...
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How Much Does an Appendectomy Cost?

My side hurt. Bad. I was doubled over in pain, waiting in the emergency room. After a brief exam and some X-rays, the diagnosis was...
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Unleash Your Inner Superhero

Why am I going second? Julie, seriously this has to be a mistake. Right? It makes absolutely no sense. Julie, my agent, assured me it...
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My Journey Home

I arrived on the doorstep of Cabin #5. This tiny cottage in the woods was going to be home for the next nine days. I...
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Blow Up What Isn’t Working: 10 Steps to Jump-Start Change

“What is the cost of not taking action? Where will you be 12 months from now if nothing changes?” What are you doing that isn’t...
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3 Things Innovative Leaders Do Differently

Everybody’s talking about innovation. Of course, everybody wants to innovate. We’re living in a disruptive time. Most of the business conferences I attend have a...
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