Start Obsessing Over Customer Outcomes

If you’re going through your daily activity as a salesperson focused on your end goals (commission, quotas, incentives), you just might be missing a much bigger opportunity. You could be obsessing, instead, over customer outcomes. Increasingly, that’s where elite sales professionals spend most of their time. The best salespeople know that customer success is the ultimate catalyst for driving growth in the new economy.

I recently sat down with keynote speaker Seth Mattison to continue our conversation about how business is changing and the unique opportunity this represents. In the video below, we share specific sales tips, including:

  • What should salespeople focus on to find sustainable success?
  • How can you build trust with your customers?
  • How can salespeople (and their leaders) stop thinking about “producing” and shift the focus to learning, preparing, teaching, storytelling and providing great customer service?

The imperative for all sellers: Rethink the job. Customers have a whole new set of expectations about the role of the seller. It’s time to step up and be an informed, insightful guide on the customer decision journey.

Staying focused on customer outcomes can also help drive referrals. In a world where customer access and attention is limited, credible recommendations from existing customers is the most effective way to drive more sales. Customers have never been more willing to share. 83% of satisfied customers are willing to refer services to friends, colleagues and industry peers, according to a study from Advisor Impact. Yet, on average, only 29% do. The missing link: We’re not asking customers for those recommendations and making it easy for them to share.

In the video below, Seth and I talk about referrals, why they matter, and how sales professionals can drive more referral business.

The best salespeople get referrals by creating an excellent customer experience. Deliver on the promises you make (plus 10 percent). Approach every day with one goal: to create brand evangelists who want to tell everyone they know about the great experience and outcomes you delivered.

Read more tips for getting referrals.


Ryan Estis helps progressive companies embrace change, attack opportunity and achieve breakthrough performance. Delivering more than 75 live events annually, Ryan provides high-impact keynote presentations and professional development in partnership with the world’s best brands. Learn more about Ryan.

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