Make This Your Best Year Ever

I had the good fortune of supporting a client organization that pulled together their top sales producers for a final Q4 push toward the finish line.  A little recognition. A big re-charge for the stretch run to close 2012.

The people in the room included only those producing past plan. The purpose of a meeting like this is to help them stretch to achieve the next level of breakthrough performance.  Where every Top Producer wants to go.

It’s been a tough year.  Economic uncertainty, evolving customer expectations and competition from everywhere.  In spite of it all Top Producers find a way to overcome the adversity and deliver past plan.  What they aren’t in the habit of doing is making excuses about why they came up short.  We call this “owning your number.”  This group doesn’t confuse activity with results and for them, close enough isn’t an option.

I love spending a day with people who turn in this kind of exceptional performance.  I always learn more than I share and it reinforces for me that ambition is contagious.

Top Producers love to compete and win.  They also enjoy making a big difference in the lives of the customers they serve.  They believe their own value proposition.

Top Producers often display what Jim Collins refers to as “productive paranoia”.

They tend to obsess and worry about potential bad outcomes.  This keeps the ego in check and helps to avoid the pitfalls of arrogance and entitlement.  They are mindful of challenges that could inhibit performance.  Productive paranoia is especially valuable in disruptive market conditions, when a willingness to change, adapt and evolve are critical in determining success or failure.

Productive paranoia is important in the discipline of professional selling.  There are consequences when you miss plan.

A memorable quote from my day with the Top Producers:

“I’d be embarrassed not to be putting up exceptional numbers.”

That Top Producer knows how to hustle.

Would you be surprised if I told you she is crushing her sales plan?

She will be celebrating when she crosses the 2012 finish line…victorious!

She wants to leverage that momentum to make 2013 her best year ever.  She already has her 2013 vision and I am excited to help her make it a reality.

If you have big plans for the coming year this question is worth considering:

What do you need to change in order to make this your best year ever?

Top Producers know the answer.


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