Trust. It’s the foundation of every great relationship. And great relationships are required to thrive.
If you don’t trust the people around you, it’s almost impossible to perform at your peak capacity. And forget about enjoying the experience. High-value, high-trust relationships help unleash creativity, innovation and breakthrough performance.
We’re facing a trust crisis. Modern Survey research shows that only half of U.S. workers say they trust their senior management. That number drops to 40 percent at organizations with more than 10,000 employees. That is abysmal.
In the absence of trust, you simply cannot achieve and sustain world-class performance.
Trust matters in every relationship — whether it’s the relationship between an employee and manager, colleagues and peers, or friends and family. Building high-trust, high-value relationships is worth our attention and effort. With trust and respect as the foundation, relationships are well positioned to flourish.
How do you build trust? In this video, I lead a conversation that includes some simple actions that support the development of high-trust, high-value relationships: