Defining Moments

“I lost my dad. I don’t share that for sympathy. I definitely don’t want you to feel bad for me. It’s part of my journey. I am incredibly fortunate. My dad lived a full life. He was 79 and accomplished all of his dreams. Today I get to honor his life and his legacy by serving you.”

This past Sunday was Father’s Day and I was standing on the main stage in Cancun, Mexico delivering the opening keynote for the CCCU & CUES International Convention.

During my dad’s fight, he taught me life-changing lessons about courage, will and humility. Since that time my mother has continued to evolve my perspective on grace, generosity and unconditional love.

I continued.

“Losing my dad was a defining moment. It changed who I am for the better and it reminded me that we aren’t alone. We are part of something much larger than ourselves. Sitting in this room you are part of something larger. We are all connected. We all have the opportunity to contribute. To show up and have an impact. We can make that decision right now.”

Growth usually accelerates during times of adversity. When the pain is raw and very real, time helps. So does a little perspective and reflection.

In reflection, I believe our weakest moments are opportunities to create truly defining moments. Those moments are catalysts that propel us forward, further, faster toward becoming more of who we are capable of being — in the direction of our dreams.

It’s no coincidence that my business growth exploded coming out of this experience. I immediately became more intentional, decisive and courageous. I let go of many of the things (and a few of the people) that were holding me back. Life is short. Too short to spend time worrying about what other people think. Too short to delay the things that really matter to you. Too short not to take big chances.

That perspective is a gift.

I recognize that some people might be living through their own version of that story right now. Of course, it could be an entirely different story of change, challenge, uncertainty and adversity. I hope my story helps. If you’re struggling now, I hope this time will eventually become a defining moment for you.
I also know there are people just like me that embrace the opportunity to be reminded and simply take a moment of reflection.

One person. One gift. Thanks, Dad.

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