Customer Experience Sells

Build a list of brand evangelists to boost your sales processA recent buying experience reminded me just how important Brand Ambassadors are to the sales process.

We are evaluating new software to support the growth of our training business. Following a webinar with the software sales pro, I asked for references from existing customers.The sales rep’s reply:

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a list of current clients that I can hand out — especially a list of clients that want to be called by prospects.”

The prospective buyer’s (my) interpretation: You don’t have a single customer inside The Loyalty Loop?

“Unfortunately” was an appropriate word to use. Sales momentum just stalled, a big red flag exists (a new objection), and this seller is looking at a much longer sales cycle. No top producer wants to be in this situation.

The good news: you don’t have to spend time spinning your wheels in the sales dead zone. The better news: your best customers have never been more inclined to share their success and help you grow.

Customers routinely fall into one of three categories:

Satisfied Customers: These customers are doing business with you today. They may even really like doing business with you, however, they aren’t committed or emotionally invested in the partnership. They will shop on price and would feel just fine about doing business with the competition. The probability they will eventually leave is high.

Loyal Customers: These customers value the partnership and place a high amount of trust and confidence in the relationship. They are committed and the probability they are going to eventually leave is low. There is an opportunity to turn these loyal customers into Brand Evangelists.

Brand Evangelists: These customers are invested in you and want to help you succeed.They want to share your story, spread the word about your brand and help drive referral business.  They elevate your credibility. Their experience defines your value proposition in a way that matters most to prospective customers.

How do you turn customers into Brand Evangelists? How can you enable customers to share your story?

Make it easy for your best customers to share and help them do it. Sharing influences the customer decision journey and creates a sense of urgency. The customer experience is proof of concept and the most critical asset a sales organization has.

Do you have customers helping tell your story?

Sales growth depends on it.

Ryan Estis & Associates is a training and development organization helping companies, leaders, sales people and individual contributors embrace change and achieve breakthrough performance in the new economy. We offer keynotes, live classroom training and online learning that blends interaction, energy and actionable content designed to elevate performance. Contact us for programming inquiries and assistance determining the curriculum that could best support your learning and development objectives.

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