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Great relationships are resilient. They ebb and flow. Time passes. But the most meaningful one's can quickly come back to center. I am lucky to...
Careers, Culture & Cool
I typically don't walk away from conversations about Employment Branding and Employee Engagement blown away. I have a pretty decent perspective on the industry and...
Circle of Trust
Remember the movie, Meet the Parents? Where Gaylord Faucker was hopelessly left outside his soon to be father in law's magic circle of trust despite...
Employer Brand 2020
The following post was contributed by Employer Brand International Chairman & CEO Brett Minchington. I've had the distinct pleasure of working with Brett the last...
Bedside Manner
An outstanding week followed by a miserable weekend offered some interesting considerations for the work I do. I attended HR Connect, a networking event co-sponsored...
Opportunity is More Important than Pain
In professional sales the sellers are often taught to "find the pain". Uncover where they are really hurting. Expose that. Spend time there. Dig into...
The Service of a Leader
The challenges and demands today’s business leader faces are many. More with less, cost containment, globalization, transformation, reinvention...and amid the challenge and change exists a...
Brand America’s Team: My Weekend on the Bus
Travelling in style on the Dallas Cowboys Tour Bus Today the Dallas Cowboys won the NFC East with a dominating win...
A Players
Had the fortunate opportunity to connect over coffee this week with the braintrust at The A List. A great conversation with A Players and all...
Resolve 2010
With another year passing and new decade upon us comes a moment of opportunity unlike most any other throughout the year. It's a time that...
All You Need Is Love
Ella, Evan, Jayce, Ben & Allie Great song. And for me, I am fortunate that the holidays afford a good reminder...
Life of a Start Up Intern
I remember my first real internship. Cold calling thousands of C- leads to try and squeeze out some level of moderate interest for the VP...