Transforming Sales: The Impact of AI on Modern Business

I believe that today is the best time in history to work in sales. I also believe that AI will radically alter the mechanics of selling — and disrupt commercial teams who don’t adapt and find new ways to provide value. When it comes to sales growth, average is over.

One area where this is obvious is during the information gathering and research phase of a decision cycle. Customers begin the decision journey on their computers and phones sans salespeople. 

A full 75% of B2B buyers surveyed by Gartner prefer a rep-free sales experience altogether! 

There are very real flaws in this approach. That same Gartner study found high levels of buyer regret among B2B customers who made digital-only purchases. They might not love human interaction, but they also don’t like wasting their time and money. 

We are in a moment of opportunity for sales professionals who can deliver a value-based, deeply customized approach to earn partnerships that can sustain growth into the future. Your currency? Expertise about the customer’s needs and the ability to add value to their decision cycle. 

Here are a few ways I see the best salespeople evolving in response to the impact of artificial intelligence on the sales landscape.

Obsess Over Training and Development

It’s a wonderful time to be in professional selling—if you’re committed to mastering your craft. Today’s sellers need more than just a surface-level understanding of their products. They need deep expertise in the solutions they offer and a thorough grasp of the competitive landscape their customers face. That kind of expertise doesn’t come easy; it requires a bigger investment of time, resources, and education. The bar is higher than ever, but so is the reward for the most diligent sales teams.

The best teams adopt a “train every day” mentality. They treat professional development not as a box to check but as a continuous process. Part of that training might look traditional—classes, workshops, role-playing exercises—but there are also emerging AI sales tools that train sales reps in the moment. 

AI systems can now suggest the optimal wording for emails, phone calls, or text messages to prospects based on real-time data. But here’s the catch: All the AI tools in the world won’t help if you’re not committed to ongoing improvement. The most successful sales professionals are the ones who push themselves to be better today than they were yesterday.

Pair Expertise with EQ

Expertise is necessary but not sufficient. In a human-centered world, today’s sellers must add value to the equation and really help customers improve their business or their outcomes. Emotional intelligence (EQ) trumps IQ. 

So as you develop your expertise, focus on how you connect, communicate and people relate to you. This requires a commitment to continuous cycles of feedback and a high degree of self-awareness. Sales is an act of service; help customers see how they can build a better future with you by their side. 

The more technology replaces tasks, the more what’s left for us is the human element and building relationships. If you care more about the customer experience than your competitor does, you’ll listen better, learn more about them, understand them better, and serve them better.

Go Where the Customer Is 

If customers are increasingly doing their research online and self-servicing, you need to be there, too. Help them see your expertise in action. Show them how you can add value in all customer interactions. Another Gartner study finds that social media drives most B2B purchasing decisions

Also important are company websites and social channels. Deliver value where your customers will find it. The best sellers adapt to customer behavior as they build a personal brand and make meaningful connections online — it affords a very real competitive advantage. 

If you think about the buying process in your personal life, this makes sense. Probably, the first thing you do to find a plumber, dentist, or babysitter is look on Facebook, Nextdoor, and so on. So does about 85 percent of Gen Z, and they are quickly becoming decision-makers in B2B environments.

Personalize and Customize

Technology makes it easier than ever to fire off generic email outreach. This can easily irritate buyers and take a neutral relationship to a negative one instantly. Be different. What’s absolutely critical today is personalization and customization. 

You have an opportunity to do outreach that demonstrates you’ve taken the time to learn about your customer. Show up with a point of view that shows you understand the situation and can deliver differentiated and personalized value to the customer. Remember, we are in the service industry so lead with value first. 

One idea that’s helped our team is something we refer to as “slowing down the sales process.” This week, join us in taking extra time to invest in pre-call planning to establish a customized and compelling POV. Let that be the catalyst for differentiated outreach that drives a decision cycle to close.

And join our email community to receive bi-weekly insights with actionable tips and videos, new research, and inspiration and ideas for cultivating growth in business and life.