Accelerate 2011

Image of New Year Celebration

If you are in a New Year state of mind you may be ‘resolutioning’ sometime over the next few days.  To support resolution readiness and manifestation into meaningful outcomes, I am happy to share my post on the subject from one year ago:  Resolve 2010.

It’s decent advice (particularly if you find yourself at the crossroads or a key inflection point) that I followed much of 2010.  I hit the review-reset-reinvent button hard.  Relationships changed.  Recognition about where I needed support and where I should fly solo solidified.  Resolve was required (change is never easy). Results soon followed.

2011 will still require plenty of resolve.  However, I sense a different feeling among many people I know as we close this year.  There seems to be more optimism and opportunity as we approach what is next and new.  A renewed sense of accelerating toward bigger and better outcomes ahead.  I actually can’t wait to get started!

Well, maybe I can wait another weekend.  The next few days call for a bit of relaxation, renewal and some healthy reflection.  On the year that was and the excitement and anticipation of what 2011 will bring.  Wishing you health, happiness, passion and purpose into the New Year!

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